Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lady And The Tiger II

He walked toward the door to the right. He kneeled down to the ground and felt the dirt before him. For some reason he kept thinking that this door to the right was not the one to open. He thought about what would happen if the tiger came out. He looked to the left where the other door and exit where. The exit had very large doors guarding it, so escaping would surly not be an option. He looked over a little barrel that was placed beside the door. There he saw a large dagger. That would be an excellent way to defend himself from the tiger.
The princess was shaking a little as she watched him. She was afraid that he wouldn’t choose the door she wanted him to open. She was beginning to think that she didn’t know what door she wanted him to open. She did not want him to marry such a present of a woman, but she didn’t want him to be killed by the vicious tiger. She was not sure with herself, she couldn’t live if he was dead, and she could not live if his heart belonged to someone else.
He stopped to think about his choice, but what he didn’t know is he and the princess thought the same thought. He could not live if he had to watch his love die from anguish. And he could not bear the thought of her living without her. He wanted to love her with no consequence.
He felt a sudden burst of adrenalin. He walked over to the barrel and grabbed the dagger. He ran back to the door on the right, and opened it without hesitation. Out came the tiger with a vicious pounce. The hero leaped out of the way before the tiger could mount him. He jumped on the tigers back and slit both of its jugulars. He stabbed the tigers spinal chord and gouged out its eyes, leaving it helpless. Everybody shrieked with fear over the sounds. The tiger was screeching in excruciating pain.
The hero had let the tiger live, but he left it on the ground to bleed out on it’s own. The crowd roared with applause from his victory. He walked over to the door with the woman and opened it up. She came out and tried to leap into his blood-covered arms, but with a slash of the dagger he slit the woman’s throat. The crowd went from happy applause to abrupt cries in a brief second. The king stood up and yelled at the guards.
“TAKE HIM AWAY IMMEDIATELY!” The king screamed at the top of his lungs.
The princess quickly stood up. “NO! HE IS NOT GOING TO DIE, I FORBID IT!”
The king was in disbelief with what happened. Nobody has ever been proven guilty and survived to become innocent. This man might be suitable for his daughter after all. He had the guards go back into their positions. Then he looked over to his daughter.
“He is a very brave man,” Nobody could hear him but the princess. “I think he just might be a man fit for you after all, he has killed my most precious tiger, but I envy his skills.” The princess looked at him with a smile, then she ran down the stairs.
She walked out on to the field saw the hero standing there with his head and arms drooped down. She ran to him. She was so excited from what the king had told her, so she approached him with a smile. He did not know a thing about what the king had said, so as soon as she was in arms length he snatched her up.
“I could not let you live knowing I had to love another, and I could not bear the thought of you living without me. So I must do this.” He turned the princess around to where she was facing away from him, and he reached around with his dagger. “Both hearts will beat for each other, and they will stop as well.” He dug that dagger deep into the princess’ chest. The blood dripped down her white dress and onto the dirt ground where they stood. He pressed it far into her heart, and it was hard enough to travel into his.
She was still alive at this point, and she cried silent streams of tears. They ran down her face as fast as the blood ran from her cold body.
“I will wait for you.” The hero said as he dropped to the ground with a lifeless look. She followed him almost immediately. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Cask Of Amontillado II

By Tom O'Daniel.


"So here I sit, explaining to you my nature. I caused the twisted fate of a man, and it was never heard of until today. It has been fifty years since Fortunado's mistake, and I will never let the nightmares wake." I wasn't sure if I was in the right by telling this to my deer friend Latimere. He did not look scared and he did not look week, but what he did show, showed he was hurt.

"Why would you do that? You knew it was wrong, and you kept it a secret, for oh so long." He did not look happy. He in fact, looked furious. Him and Fortunado knew each other from their days in school.

"I'm sorry I told you, will you still be my friend? Or will you be like Fortunado, and have a frightening end?" I said seriously

"I will not speak with you henceforth, for you have lost my trust, and if you feel the need to kill, go away, and take your lust." He said with a brief burst of anger. He left the room immediately. I was a bit curious what he would do. From what I had observed he has a quiet personality. He wouldn't dare tell another soul.

I grabbed my cane and left this cottage.

The thoughts of Fortunado began to fester in my head as I quietly walked to the seller of my house. I noticed something very strange about the door in the back; It had been open for a while. The last time I was inside of my seller, was when I buried Fortunado. I do remember closing it. I know I closed it.

I grab a hold of my torch, and begin into the catacombs. Things had changed so much. The walls were cracked, and there were cement drippings on the floor. Did I clean the tool that I used to build the wall? I couldn't remember. It was a while until I reached Fortunado's wall. My heart sank when my eyes spotted it.

The bricks had fallen, and the cement was not dry when they did.

I walked to the wall to examine what lied behind, and what I found is haunting. "Gods love has not fallen in my favor, and I have failed my task. Fortunado has escaped, from the unbreakable cask." I started to shake uncontrollably. What had happened that was so wrong? I put the last brick in, and it looked so sturdy.

I forgot something now that I think about it. Something was imperfect with my plot, and I don't know what. Fortunado, still walks with a heart full of blood, and a body full of life. But where he was, was a mystery.

I couldn't stay down here forever; I had to return to my home. I tried to get to sleep, but every time I started to doze off, I would wake. I wanted to feel the peace I had felt before, but somehow the paranoia was too much. Fortunado would surely try to get revenge. But why would he wait this long? Why would he pretend to be dead or 50 years? None of this made any sense, what so ever.

Eventually I got back to sleep, and I had the most horrible nightmare. In the nightmare, I awoke to Fortunado standing above me. His words haunted me.

He said calmly, "You had tried to kill me, and you have failed. You were too drunk yourself, and left the key on the ground. So my deer friend Montressor, here is to your long life," He sips from his glass, "and for the love of god, sleep sound."

*Sometimes my dreams feel so real, that they seem like reality. And sometimes, reality feels like the most horrid dream.*

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Suicide Nightmare.

I dedicate this poem to "The Cask Of Amontillado."

I will soon draw you
So close to my home,
And the skin will be ripped
As soon as you know.

That you have been found
And you're not alone,
I'll chain you up
And I'll cut to the bone.

These black and dirty fingernails
Dig deep under your skin,
Like the chalk board screeches
I make a filthy grin.

I make your blood come out
As I pleasure the knives,
With all your thoughts flowing
Only one comes to mind.

Suicide, suicide,
You'll never escape,
Suicide, suicide,
Oh you'll never wake.